Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Who needs it?

You find out that you are having a baby and you start to think about all the "things" that you need for a nursery.  One of the first things that we thought about was bedding and room color.  It took FOREVER to decide what bedding we wanted.  I was dead set on pink and brown polka dots and couldn't find anything that I really loved (or that David loved for that matter) so after a few weeks of finding nothing, we changed directions. 

Finally we drifted toward this pattern:
placed it on the baby registry and painted the room yellow.  Only one problem though......this bedding wasn't carried through Babies R Us in store, only online.  It was however carried at Baby Depot which I hoped friends and family would look there.

When my showers came and went and it got closer and closer to having a baby, I finally decided that there was no point in having all this "bedding" - it was just for show.  Kendall wouldn't care what her bedding or room looked like until she gets a say in what goes in her room (in a few years probably) so we got a plain color bumper and used the crib sheets that would go best with the yellow color in her room.  We found a great stick on tree for her wall and were given a wonderful piece of art to hang on the wall with Kendall's name.  The room is very plain but who cares....you don't need all the bells and whistles - your baby is only going to care about who is taking care of her and not about what her room looks like.  Save the heavy decorating for when they get older!
Here is what Kendall's room looks like now:                      

Here is the artwork that is up on the wall:

Monday, August 1, 2011

Babies and Amusement Parks

My husband and I went to Cedar Point on Sunday and boy was it HOT!

As we walked around the park (sometimes searching for air conditioning, other times searching for a drinking fountain so we don't have to spend $3.50 for a bottle of water), I couldn't help but notice the enormous amount of families that had little babies with them. 

Obviously, David and I did not take Kendall.  My personal feeling is that an amusement park is no place for a child who cannot ride the rides or even understand and enjoy why they are there.  Now I understand that most of these families had more than one child old enough to ride, however, why couldn't you just arrange for a babysitter for the youngest??  The whole situation just baffles me - the adults can't enjoy the park since one of them has to constantly be with the children whether they are riding a ride or not....plus on top of that, the temp was about 90 degrees and the poor babies had to be roasting hot in their strollers.  These places are expensive and I'm the type of person who wants their monies worth if I'm spending that much and standing with a little one while the rest of the family rides just isn't my idea of a "fun time".....just saying.

Will I take Kendall to an amusement park in the future? - yes....when she is old enough to ride and enjoy herself. 

Will I take Kendall's future siblings? - yes....when they are old enough as well.  If they are not, then they stay with a sitter - it's that simple.

Other things that baffle me about amusement parks:
~The woman in the string bikini that is two sizes too small on a body that shouldn't be wearing a bikini....
~The 8-9 month along pregnant lady who was crazy enough to be there - first, you can't ride any rides - second, you've got to be miserable and wanting to be in air conditioning ASAP!
~The older folks who can no longer ride many of the rides due to health issues, etc. 
~Anyone in a wheelchair who looks like they cannot ride any rides.

Please someone tell me why you would spend the money to go if you can't enjoy yourself?!?!?!?